My Partner is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Finding yourself pregnant when it wasn’t in your plans is pressure enough. You don’t need your partner pressuring you to choose abortion, too. No one has the right to force you to make one decision over another. This is your choice. Learn about all your options before deciding. What Are My Options? You have three […]

Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Legally, you don’t have to tell anyone you want an abortion, but mentally you might want to. An abortion is a serious medical decision with physical and mental health consequences. Why go through it alone?  At Reach Out, we’re here to assist you through an unplanned pregnancy. Let’s discuss your situation privately and see how […]

I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options?

Choosing abortion for your unplanned pregnancy can have emotional and physical consequences. It is not an easy decision, and we understand why you wouldn’t want another one. You do have two other options.  Let’s take a closer look at placing your child for adoption or choosing to parent. We can help you with both. Isn’t […]

How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

While it’s impossible to know exactly how abortion will affect you physically afterward, the type of procedure can provide some clues. Here are a few things to think about if you’re considering either medical or surgical abortion.  Medical Abortion If you choose medical abortion, you know right away that you will experience the following: After […]

How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Just as every woman is unique, so is her abortion experience. Many women report feeling relieved immediately following their abortions. It’s only later, in weeks, months, or years, that they may struggle mentally with their choice.  Many factors determine how you might respond. Learn about the different methods, side effects, and potential risks, including mental […]

I Don’t Want to be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

If you’ve recently discovered you’re unexpectedly pregnant, you have a big decision to make. The good news is you have options. Abortion is one of them, but take a closer look at making an adoption plan or parenting. You might be surprised at what is available to assist you.  Have You Considered Making an Adoption […]

3 Things Needed Before an Abortion

Before scheduling an abortion, obtaining a high-quality pregnancy test, an ultrasound, and information about abortion and your other options will provide you with the information you need to make safe and confident choices. You deserve to have all the facts when making such a significant decision. Pregnancy Testing Though you might have taken a drugstore […]