Fill a Bottle & Change a Life!
Our Baby Bottle Campaign is a visual initiative designed to support mothers, fathers, and families in our community. It’s a simple yet powerful way for individuals, families, and organizations to come together and make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Every penny collected directly funds our vital programs and services, such as pregnancy tests, life-affirming ultrasounds, parenting classes, and material assistance. Join us in making a meaningful impact, one bottle at a time.
Interested in hosting a Baby Bottle Campaign? Contact Jessica at or call 513.367.7710
Interested in hosting a baby bottle campaign?
How to Launch Your Baby Bottle Campaign
Set the official launch date of your campaign as well as the date the bottles need to be collected at church. Allowing 4 weeks between the start and end date of your campaign is recommended.
Announce your campaign to your church congregation. Consider showing our baby bottle kick-off video to your congregation at your service the Sunday before and the Sunday of distribution.
Note: Please include our provided insert in your bulletin and/or newsletter. To encourage additional participation and to reach those that watch services online, please consider posting the campaign and the online baby bottle campaign option to your social media channels.
Distribute bottles. Inform your congregation of these easy steps:
1. Take a bottle home and place it in a popular place
2. Fill the empty bottle(s) with coins, cash, and/or checks OR donate online
3. Pray for the center and clients
Return the filled and empty bottles to Reach Out soon after your last collection date. If you need assistance, please contact us and one of our staff members can pick up the bottles at the end of your campaign. Please allow for a 4- week turnaround time for us to count your bottles and send your church a report with how much your campaign raised.