Will my child hate me if I choose adoption? 

How will I emotionally handle the adoption process? 

Will my medical expenses be covered if I choose adoption? 

Thinking about adoption can overwhelm you with questions. And this is understandable! Adoption is a big decision, and there are many details to consider.

However, it’s important to know that adoption is a selfless, loving choice that gives your pregnancy a future.

Types of Adoption

When you think about adoption, you might imagine scenes from a movie where a baby is left on a doorstep. This is far from modern adoption!

Today, adoption is a pregnancy choice that’s full of options, depending on what you want to happen.

The adoption process revolves around an adoption plan, which outlines your goals. There are three main types of adoption plans, but each is customizable:

  • Open adoption. As the name suggests, this is the most open adoption plan. With open adoption, you get to decide how often and in what ways you communicate with the adoptive family and child. Most adoptions today are open.
  • Semi-open adoption. This is similar to open adoption, but all communication is mediated by a third party, like the adoption agency. This is a good choice if you want your communication details (email, phone number, etc.) to remain confidential.
  • Closed adoption. This is the most restrictive adoption plan. With closed adoption, your identifying information and that of the adoptive family and child will remain anonymous.

Is Adoption Right for Me?

Only you can decide if adoption is the right choice for you. However, asking yourself the following questions can help get you thinking about this option:

  • How might I feel if I choose adoption?
  • What might my life look like if I choose adoption?
  • What concerns me most about the process?

It’s also essential to learn all you can about adoption and ensure all your questions are answered.

While we don’t offer adoption services at Reach Out Pregnancy Center, we can provide referrals to a reputable, trusted adoption agency.

If you’re thinking about adoption as an option for your pregnancy, reach out today. You’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.