Facing an unexpected pregnancy can feel overwhelming. And the idea of coming into an unfamiliar center to seek pregnancy resources or services can feel just as intimidating.

We understand. And that’s why our goal is to help you feel comfortable, understood, and supported the moment you enter our doors.

What Can I Expect at Reach Out Pregnancy Center?

At Reach Out Pregnancy Center, we aim to provide you with compassionate care and essential services to help you have what you need to feel supported, encouraged, and informed.

When you come to our center, you can expect to be:

  • Greeted warmly
  • Heard and understood
  • Cared for without judgment

Our caring staff is here to help you navigate your unexpected pregnancy, whether that’s through education about your options, essential services like pregnancy testing or ultrasound, or community referrals.

The choice about how to move forward in your pregnancy is yours, but we’re here to help you feel supported along the way.

What Happens During a Pregnancy Testing Appointment?

During a pregnancy testing appointment, you will provide a urine sample and meet with a client advocate who will administer the pregnancy test. Afterward, a client advocate will go over your results with you and discuss the next steps.

What Happens During an Ultrasound Appointment?

During a prenatal ultrasound appointment, our sonographer will use our ultrasound machine to find critical details about your pregnancy.

You will be given the space to ask questions and learn more about your pregnancy options.

You’re Not Alone in This

No matter how you feel right now, you’re not alone. We’re here for you.

Contact us today to schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment.