You have more than one option when it comes to your unplanned pregnancy. Other than abortion, you have the adoption option and parenting option. Whether you’re feeling pressure from your partner or family, know that no one can force you into a pregnancy decision that you don’t want to make.
We’re here to help you learn more about each one so you can make an informed decision. Get the facts today.
1. Adoption
Deciding on adoption can be overwhelming when you don’t know alot about the process. Whether you are a single mom struggling with finances or other life circumstances, adoption could be a great fit.
Motherhood looks different for everyone. Adoption takes humility and sacrifice, but it comes with great joy and hope for your child. If you are considering this option, you have three adoption plan options:
- Open adoption: With open adoption, you, as the birth mother, decide where she places her baby. You could choose relatives, friends, or someone else you know. You decide what kind of contact you will have with her child and the adoptive parents.
- Closed adoption: With closed adoption, you, as the birth mother and adoptive parents, have little to no contact. There is no sharing of identifying information (including names or contact information), and the process is entirely private. Closed adoption can give a woman a sense of closure.
- Semi-open adoption: A semi-open adoption falls somewhere between an open and closed adoption. It allows you to determine what level of contact, communication, and relationship is best for you and your child. You’ll work these details out with an adoption agency.
Choosing an adoption plan will be based on how much contact you want with your child and the adoptive family. Consider what type of adoption would best fit your family and the type of connection you want with your child.
2. Parenting
Even though parenting is not for the faint of heart, the journey comes with many rewards watching your child grow up. There are more parenting resources and support available to you than you know. With support, parenting is not impossible.
At Reach Out Pregnancy Center, we offer no-cost prenatal, parenting, and more to help you do parenting well and feel equipped.
Our parenting classes give you practical tools to help raise your newborn. We cover breastfeeding, formula, and your baby’s nutrition. Our caring team teaches about infant sleeping patterns, changing diapers, and first aid.
We’re Here for You
We at Reach Out Pregnancy Center are here to support you wherever you are in the pregnancy decision process. Schedule a no-cost and confidential pregnancy appointment to confirm your pregnancy and explore all your pregnancy options.